📄️ Introduction📄️ Review📄️ Elm Architecture Overview📄️ Elm Architecture Example📄️ Effects - Overview📄️ Effects Example📄️ JSON📄️ Websockets📄️ Navigation📄️ Ports📄️ Planning Race Leaderboard Application📄️ Review Starter / Boilerplate📄️ Setting Up Navigation / Single Page App (SPA)📄️ Setting Up Login/Authentication📄️ Saving / Retrieving Login Token / JWT📄️ Logging Out📄️ Access Control / Locking Pages📄️ Adding Runners | Http Post📄️ Setting Up The Leaderboard Page | Realtime Updates With Websockets📄️ Estimating Runners Location📄️ Querying & Sorting Runners📄️ Final Thoughts